The onPostCheckout
callback is called after a worktree is updated.
This callback is implemented as an equivalent to the canonical git post-checkout
hook. The onPostCheckout
function is passed an object containing the object IDs of the previous and new HEAD and information about whether a branch or a set of files was checked.
* @callback PostCheckoutCallback
* @param {PostCheckoutParams} args
* @returns {void | Promise<void>}
* @typedef {Object} PostCheckoutParams
* @property {string} previousHead The SHA-1 object id of HEAD before checkout
* @property {string} newHead The SHA-1 object id of HEAD after checkout
* @property {'branch' | 'file'} type flag determining whether a branch or a set of files was checked
For more information, see post-checkout
git documentation.
await git.checkout({
onPostCheckout: args => {